"Because we seldom to talk about it.. Sometimes we do not worry... Because we are MEN lets talk about it!"
Monday, August 29, 2011
ACERN.Talk: MEN'S HEALTH: RELIEVE FROM ACHES: Men worked hard to support their family, to show them how much we value the love entrusted by our spouse and to show how much we love our c...
Men worked hard to support their family, to show them how much we value the love entrusted by our spouse and to show how much we love our children. Sometimes we tend not to complain about body aches specially the pain cause by the stress from work. How about try to pamper ourselves with therapeutic massage such as Shiatsu massage, Thai massage, Swedish massage etc. or simply have a simple massage from your spouse I'm sure this is not to much to ask... try it... and be relieve from aches.

Sunday, August 28, 2011
ACERN.Talk: MEN'S HEALTH: How gentle is Gentlemen? Have you ever wonder why ...
ACERN.Talk: MEN'S HEALTH: How gentle is Gentlemen? Have you ever wonder why ...: How gentle is Gentlemen? Have you ever asked this question to yourself? Well I just did! And I was tongue tied for what I have discovered...
How gentle is Gentlemen? Have you ever wonder why men are called gentlemen?
How gentle is Gentlemen? Have you ever asked this question to yourself? Well I just did! And I was tongue tied for what I have discovered. Nevertheless, being born and raised by family who belong in lower class in a third world country I can say that without being in socially known and wealthy individual still man can be called "gentlemen" .Just simply being you or simply me.
Being courteous is widely found to anyone, though sometimes there are instances that we tend forget this, but it doesn’t mean we can never be called as “Gentleman” since we are only human we are bound to commit mistakes and treat the woman unkindly.
Here are the things what men truly are called “gentlemen”:
- Good hygiene is a must. Don't just use a bar of soap, but do scrub yourself. Don’t use a lot when applying deodorant or cologne. Some girls may not like the smell and if you reek of it they're not going to be pleased. Also, make sure you don't use too much hair gel (it's sticky and goes rock hard after a while).
- Pay attention to how you look. Wear clothes that fit your body well, eliminate flashy clothing and avoid fashion "faux pas" (i.e. baseball hats cocked slightly to the side). A simpler wardrobe will keep the emphasis on you, not your clothes, which will change your outlook. Get regular haircuts
- A true gentleman is polite to everyone, in action and words. Always be aware of how you can help people. Wait an extra few seconds to hold the door for the person behind you. Offer to help an old or pregnant person get their grocery bags to the car. You don't have to be paranoid or risk killing yourself (i.e if you've got a precarious grip on something heavy, don't open the door for someone) but respect is paramount. Even if someone is being stupid, be polite and respectful.
- Be prepared to ask questions or make statements of courtesy, like "may I help you?", or "let me get that for you", or "I'll take care of that"
- Don't swear. Ever. Don't speak of vulgar matter. If it's too difficult to stop cursing all-together, tone it down a lot.
- Don't stare at and ogle women or say anything degrading to or about them.
- n public, don't: fart, belch, speak too loudly, be overly demanding/offensive, or drink heavily. A gentleman is always in control of himself, body and mind.
- Give girls a little extra respect. Don't be obsequious, but neofeminism has kind of gotten rid of some basic politeness that they'll appreciate, such as opening car/building doors, etc. Don't put every girl on a pedestal (we're all human), but they'll really appreciate it if you do them favors, like giving up your seat on the bus even though they're not carrying anything heavy.
- Don't talk about yourself much. On the other hand, girls like to know a little bit about you so they can understand what you are talking about sometimes. In addition to making you a much more desirable conversationalist, it will make you seem more mysterious to not share too much, which many women find attractive. Get a basic idea of what's going on in music, sports, and politics.
- Learn to avoid politics and religion until you know someone better, and learn how to be neutral if someone else brings it up. A simple shrug will do wonders. A gentleman doesn't make other people uncomfortable.
- Pay attention to the fact that the world is more threatening for girls: they're automatically targets at night or in bad neighborhoods. Walk her to her door (or car) if at all possible. It doesn't matter how strong she actually is, if you're a girl people will go at you first, whereas by virtue of being male you're safer. If your girl has to park far away from her dorm or home, always offer to drive her to and from your destination. She will appreciate how caring you are about her safety.
- Remember to keep doing nice things for your girlfriend when you're around her. If she's carrying something, pick it up when she puts it down and always kindly let her know by saying "oh, let me get that for you", whatever the object is. Remember, being selfish is not attractive. If you are watching television with your girl and you know she likes a particular show or sporting event, leave it there. She will appreciate that little bit of selflessness more than you know.
- Show up with a card or a flower and not just for holidays. Expensive and showy doesn't matter, it's the effort. In fact, a rose, a little love note left on her pillow, or a heartfelt kiss will keep any girl happy for days.
- . Be open about yourself to her and share with one another, making sure you laugh and keep things upbeat. Don't be a stiff bore.
- There are some things you shouldn't talk to girls about. These include how hot other girls are, or anything at all of that nature. If she's not into sports or video games, you can say a few things but then move on to something she's into. Girls tend to be more interested in books and music than in sports and video games, though there are plenty of exceptions to every rule. It's fine to talk about that stuff with your guy friends, but a gentleman doesn't do that.
- Stand up for your girl. Don't go around punching everyone who looks at her sideways, but if anyone's giving her looks or unwanted advances, intervene. Put your arm around her shoulder and move yourselves away, or go to her and speak up for her. The physical contact reassures her and lets the aggressor know that he's got to deal with both of you.
- Always have a straight posture (nobody likes a slouches)
- Do not talk down to women ever. It's ok to tease but being cruel is not the way to go. Teasing does not mean calling them vulgar words, however. No matter how joking your tone is, it hurts a woman when a so-called "gentleman" calls them a dirty word.
- Avoid fighting, as it isn't the best way to solve problems, however a real gentleman never backs off when he's challenged, always standing up for himself and his values. Remember to prioritize and not sacrifice your values for someone who is clearly just picking a fight with whomever will join in. If someone is simply embarrassing himself by offending you, don't sink to his level, but walk away.
- If you do decide to fight, keep the straight posture, even if your rival is taller than you. Be reasonable, never use weapons, such as guns, knives and the like, as this kind of "chivalry" is from the old days and might end up seriously damaging you. And never, never fight in/against a group, for a gentleman only duel; do not try to be Chuck Norris. If your opponent is down, that means you made your point and it's time to stop fighting. Offer him a hand to get up, always expecting a bad reaction, as he might not have the same values as you have.
- When walking on the sidewalk or on the side of the road, gentlemen should walk on the outside (closer to the road), whereas the lady should be on the inside, protected from oncoming traffic.
- Be sincere.
- Basic hygiene and a clean appearance is important but a gentleman should not be obsessed with his looks. He is not a fop. He is a polite and unselfish man.
- Loving her means always giving (do not take this literally) so keep that in mind while you are with her. Always give (love, time, and words of affirmation). Just don't give so much that you resent her. It's okay to also spend some time with your guy friends.
- Looking good doesn't mean you can't keep wearing jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers, it just means that they should all be clean, unwrinkled, look good on you, and not be offensive. However, at the end of the day, it's the guy inside the clothes that counts. It's also good to wear a belt, it can do wonders.
- Always be aware of your surroundings and your actions, as how others perceive you can play a role and how you are received by others.
- It's not as hard as it sounds.
- Truth walks side by side with men, and so does falsity. Being a gentleman is not necessarily about looking like one.
- If a girl doesn't respect you if you are a true gentleman, she is not worth it. If you have made yourself worthwhile, the person you are with should treat you like it.
- Lead by example that means being considerate of others and talk about things that people can relate to like the economy etc.. This shows interest of people in their immediate surroundings.
- Maintain eye contact when having a conversation with her, don't be checking her or any other girl out. When she's speaking give her your attention and don't talk over her.
- Don't use drugs or drink alcohol to excess. They will impair your judgment, and a true
- gentleman is in control of himself at all times.
- Gentlemen have dignity and honor by their sides, yet they are humble and thoughtful. You're
- not better than anyone else just because you're doing this. Don't think it, don't act like it.
- While being helpful is nice, don't be overbearing.
- A gentleman can recognize it when he loses a fight. Know the difference between standing up for yourself and being a fool.
Based from the article of : http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Gentleman
· How to Be a Gentleman in a Gentleman's Club (http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Gentleman-in-a-Gentleman%27s-Club)
ACERN.Talk: MEN'S HEALTH: HEALTH _TIPS: IMPORTANT HEALTH TIPS 1. Guyabano is best against cancer 2. No COLD drinks with fatty food 3. Drink MORE water in the morning less at nig...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Peñafrancia Celebration Activities 2011
Schedule of Peñafrancia Activities 2011
August 30, / Tuesday – 5:15 pm Basilica Minore
- Mass & Procession of the Image of INA and Divino Rostro to Peñafrancia Parish with Caceres Clergy
August 31 / Wednesday – Peñafrancia Parish (all Novena activities and pilgrimages will be at Peñafrancia Parish)
- Penitential Procession to Peñafrancia Parish, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am ( Pilgrims from Parishes of Mater Salutis (Cararayan) & Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Carolina)
- Novena Mass (Bikol) at the Patio of the Peñafrancia Parish, 5:30 am
- Harubay Mass, 8:30am
- Confession, 4:00pm
- Novena Mass, (English) 5:00 pm (Naga Parochial Scholl, System Technology institute; Philippine Computer Foundation College)
- Healing Mass, 6:00 pm
September 1 / Thursday
- Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00am (Pilgrims from the Parishes of the Holy Cross, Tabuco; St. Dominic of Guzman, Gainza; Our Lady of Fatima Church –Fil-Chinese Catholic community )
- Novena Mass (Bikol), 5:30 am
- Confession, 4:00pm
- Novena Mass, (English), 5:00 pm (Naga College Foundation; Aeronautical Academy of the Philippines )
- Healing Mass, 6:00 pm
September 2 / Friday
- Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am (Parishes of St. Jude Thaddeus & Immaculate Conception, Naga City)
- Novena Mass (Bikol), 5:30 am
- Confession, 4:00pm
- Novena Mass, (English), 5:00 pm (Camarines Sur National High School; AMA Computer College)
- Healing Mass, 6:00 pm
September 3 / Saturday
- Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am (pilgrims from Parish of St. Joseph, Milaor)
- Novena Mass, (English), 5:00 pm (Mariners Polytechnic Colleges; Worldtech Resources Institute)
- Healing Mass, 6:00 pm
September 4 / Sunday
- Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am (Seminarians; Religious Men & Women in Caceres – Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate; Missionaries of the Poor; Daughters of St. Paul; Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena; Handmaid of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; Religious of the Good Shepherd; Sisters of the Little Mission for the Deaf; Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus)
- Novena Mass (Bikol), 5:30 am
- Confession, 4:00 pm
- Novena Mass, (English), 5:00 pm (University of Northeastern Phil, UNEP, Iriga City)
September 5 / Monday
- Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am (Parishes of St. John the Evangelist & St. Lorenzo Ruiz, Abella Naga City)
- Novena Mass (Bikol), 5:30 am
- Confession, 4:00 pm
- Novena Mass, (English), 5:00 pm (St. Anthony University, Naga City; Computer Communications Development Institute)
- Healing Mass, 6:00 pm
September 6 / Tuesday
- Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am (Parish of San Francisco, Naga City)
- Novena Mass (Bikol), 5:30 am
- Confession, 4:00 pm
- Novena Mass (English), 5:00 pm (University Nueva Caceres; Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges, Naga City; Peña de Francia College)
- Healing Mass, 6:00 pm
September 7 / Wednesday
- Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am (Parish of Prompt Succour, Haring, Canaman)
- Novena Mass (Bikol), 5:30 am
- Confession, 4:00 pm
- Novena Mass (English), 5:00 pm (Universidad de Santa Isabel; Naga City Science High School)
- Healing Mass, 6:00 pm
September 8 / Thursday
- Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am (Parish of St. Anthony of Padua, Camaligan)
- Novena Mass (Bikol), 5:30 am
- Confession, 4:00 pm
- Novena Mass (English), 5:00 pm (Ateneo de Naga University, Brentwood College of Asia International School)
- Healing Mass, 6:00 pm
September 9 / Friday
- Penitential Procession, Image of Ina from Basilica to Peñafrancia Shrine, 4:00 am
- Penitential Procession (Parish of Our Lady of the Assumption, Canaman)
- Pontifical Mass, Archbp. Leonardo Z. Legaspi, Peñafrancia Shrine, 5:30 am
- Installation of New Members, OLPA; Installation of Fr. Andrew Recepcion, Spiritual Director, Divino Rostro Association.
- Traslacion Procession, 12 nn
- Sacrament of confession (Bikol) (Naga Cathedral 1-5pm)
- Community Mass, Plaza Covarrubias, 2pm
- Traslacion Procession of the Venerated Images of OUR LADY OF PEÑAFRANCIA and DIVINO ROSTRO, 3:00pm
- Solemn Pontifical Concelebrated Mass, Naga Cathedral 5:30 pm, Archbishop Leonardo Z. Legaspi, O.P., D. D.
September 10 / Saturday – Day for the Youth
- Confession, Naga Cathedral, 3-7 pm
- Novena Mass (English), Naga Cathedral, 5 pm
September 11 /Sunday – Day for the Religious & Seminarians
- Confession, Naga Cathedral, 3-7 pm
- Novena Mass (English), Naga Cathedral, 5 pm
- Marian Procession, Naga Cathedral Grounds, 9pm
September 12 /Monday – Day for the Children
- Confession, Naga Cathedral, 3-7 pm
- Novena Mass (English), Naga Cathedral, 5 pm
September 12-16 – Perdon Procession & Mass, Major Streets of Naga, 10pm
September 13 / Tuesday – Day for Educators & Teachers
- Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Diocese of Virac, Bp. Manolo de los Santos, 6am
- Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Diocese of Libmanan, Bp. Jose R. Rojas
- Confession, Naga Cathedral, 3-7 pm
- Novena Mass (English), Naga Cathedral, 5 pm
September 14 / Wednesday – Day for the Sick and the Elderly
- Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Diocese of Daet, Bp. Gilbert Garcera, 6am
- Confession, Naga Cathedral, 3-7 pm
- Novena Mass (English), Naga Cathedral, 5 pm
- Theatrical Showing of the Film, “ Ikalawang Pag-Ibig “ SM Naga Cinema
September 15 / Thursday – Day for the Poor & Prisoners
- Penitential Procession of INA & Divino Rostro 3:30 am
- Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Diocese of Sorsogon, Bp. Arturo Bastes, 6am
- Confession, Naga Cathedral, 3-7 pm
- Novena Mass (English), Naga Cathedral, 5 pm
- Union of Bikol Clergy Mass, Naga Cathedral, Bp. Jose Bantolo, Bishop of Masbate
September 16 / Friday – Day of the Priest
- Penitential Procession of INA & Divino Rostro 3:30 am
- Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Diocese of Masbate, Bp. Jose Bantalo, 6am
- Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Military Ordinariate of the Phil., 8am
- Confession, Naga Cathedral, 3-7 pm
- Novena Mass (English), Naga Cathedral, 5 pm
- Vigilia de Espigas, 11pm
September 17 / Saturday – Day for Government Leaders & Workers
- Penitential Procession of INA & Divino Rostro 3:30 am
- Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Archdiocese of Caceres, Abp. Leonardo Z. Legaspi, 6am
- Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Diocese of Legazpi, Bp. Joel Baylon, 10 am
- Ringing of Bells 12 nn
- Fluvial Procession, 4pm
- Confession, Basilica grounds, 4-6.30pm
- Pontifical Mass, Basilica Grounds, Apostolic Nuncio, Abp. Guiseppe Pinto, 6:30 pm
- Pontifical Mass, Naga Basilica, Bp Lucilo Quiambao, 6:30 am
- Pontifical Mass, Naga Basilica, Archdiocese of Caceres, Abp. Leonardo Z. Legaspi, 8am
- Pontifical Mass, Naga Basilica, Jose Cardinal Sanchez, 9:30 am
- Pontifical Mass, Naga Basilica, Bp Jose Sorra, 11 am
- Pontifical Mass, Naga Basilica, Bp. Manalo de los Santos, 6 pm
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