Friday, December 16, 2011

Experts Call Male Menopause a Myth

Not All Men Will Need Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Dec. 2, 2011 (New York City) -- It may be called "men"-opause, but it's a time of life that only belongs to women. Male menopause, well, that may be a myth, according to some experts.
While many men and men's health experts argue that male menopause (andropause) occurs when a man's supply of the male sex hormone testosterone dwindles with advancing age, there really is no such thing, says Bradley Anawalt, MD, an endocrinologist at the University of Washington in Seattle. Anawalt spoke at a meeting sponsored by the Endocrine Society in New York City.
"When we use the term menopause with women, it refers to a precipitous fall in levels of the [female sex hormone] estrogen in three to five years as their ovaries stop functioning properly," he says.
It's a different situation with men. "There is a decline on average of 1% of testosterone per year starting at age 30," he says. "It is not a seminal event and doesn't occur in all men. Some men who are very healthy and virile do maintain their testosterone levels for longer periods of time."



To Treat Low Testosterone or Not to Treat It?

This is not to say that certain men with declining levels of testosterone can't benefit from testosterone replacement therapy. Who should be treated for low testosterone, and who should not is more of an art than a science, Anawalt says.
"Testosterone replacement therapy is viewed as the fountain of youth in men," he says. "Testosterone is not a [cure-all] for everything for everybody. There is clearly a segment of older men who will benefit from testosterone treatment, but this is not a universal truth and not all men should be on it."
"We have to look at 50- to 60-year-old men and say, 'Do they have symptoms and signs that suggest low testosterone?' And then we need to confirm with blood tests," he says.
Symptoms of low testosterone may include:
  • Low libido
  • Decreased sexual desire
  • Decreased rigidity of an erection
  • Reduced energy
  • Decreased sense of well-being
  • Brittle bones
  • General weakness
Part of the problem is that it can be hard to accurately measure testosterone levels in the blood, Anawalt says.
Some men may have low levels of total testosterone but normal levels of so-called free testosterone, which is the hormonally active form. "We think these men are normal," he says.


Testosterone Risks

Buyer beware, Anawalt says. "It's easy to get testosterone off the Internet or from people who have low standards for prescribing it. Many men are started for questionable reasons, and their dose keeps getting ratcheted up," he says.
Some doctors are also prescribing human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) to stimulate testosterone production. HCG is sometimes used to treat women's fertility problems and is at the center of the controversial HCG diet.
"HCG should not be used for testosterone replacement," Anawalt says. "This raises a lot of red flags."
"The best thing men can do is not start testosterone therapy unless they have been fully evaluated by an endocrinologist or knowledgeable internist," he says.
Henry Anhalt, DO, an endocrinologist in Hackensack, N.J., agrees that the indiscriminate use of testosterone supplements is risky business.
"There is a role for testosterone replacement therapy in those who are evaluated by an endocrinologist and who understand the issues around lab testing," he says. "The abuse of testosterone in both older people and younger people is rampant. It could be very very dangerous.'
Risks may include:

Second Opinion

Jed Diamond, PhD, contends that male menopause isn't a myth. "In my opinion, it is very real," he says. Diamond is the director of MenAlive, a male health program in Willits, Calif. He's also the author of Male Menopause and Surviving Male Menopause.
"The term itself is not literally accurate," he says. "Men don't have a menstrual cycle so they don't stop having one. Hormonal, physical, and psychological changes do occur in men at midlife."
"Testosterone is not something we do for every man," Diamond says. "Not all men need it or would benefit from it."
Other treatments including counseling may also help men cope with the symptoms of this time of life.
SOURCES: The Endocrine Society, Science Writers Conference, New York City, Dec. 2, 2011.Jed Diamond, PhD, director, MenAlive, Willits.Bradley Anawalt, MD, endocrinologist, University of Washington, Seattle.Henry Anhalt, DO, endocrinologist, Hackensack, N.J.

By Denise Mann
WebMD Health News

Reviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

18 Secrets Men Want You to Know

Was your guy raised as a traditional, stoic, man's man? If so, let's  walk you through 18 relationship secrets, gathered from psychologists who study gender roles.

1: It may be easier for your man to talk about feelings indirectly. Ask what he'd do during a romantic weekend. Or what he thought the first time he met you. His answers will reveal how he feels and bring you closer.

2. Men Say "I Love You" With Actions. Some men prefer to express their feelings through actions rather than words. Your guy may say "I love you" by fixing things around the house, tidying up the yard, or even taking out the trash -- anything that makes your world a better place.

3. Men Take Commitment Seriously. Men have a reputation for being afraid to commit. But the evidence suggests men take marriage seriously. They may take longer to commit because they want to make sure they are on board for good. In a survey of currently married men, 90% say they would marry the same woman again.

4. He Really Is Listening. When you're listening to someone talk, you probably pipe in with a "yes" or "I see" every now and then. It's your way of saying, "I'm listening." But some guys don't do this. Just because a man isn't saying anything doesn't mean he's not listening. He may prefer to listen quietly and think about what you're saying.

5. Shared Activities Form Bonds. Men strengthen their relationships primarily through shared activities more than by sharing thoughts or feelings. For many men, activities like sports and sex make them feel closer to their partner.

6. Men Need Time for Themselves. While shared activities are important, men also need time for themselves. Whether your guy enjoys golf, gardening, or working out at the gym, encourage him to pursue his hobbies, while you make time for your own. When both partners have space to nurture their individuality, they have more to give to each other."
7. Men Learn From Their Fathers. If you want to know how a man will act in a relationship, get to know his dad. Some say men learn about their relationship role by watching and listening to their fathers. How they are with each other and how the father relates to the mother can predict how a man will relate to his wife.

8. Men Let Go Faster Than Women. Women tend to remember negative experiences longer and may have lingering feelings of stress, anxiety, or sadness. In contrast, men are less likely to dwell on unpleasant events and tend to move on more quickly. So while you may still want to talk about last night's argument, your guy may have already forgotten about it.

9. Men Don't Pick Up on Subtle Cues. Men are more likely to miss subtle signals like tone of voice or facial expressions. And they are especially likely to miss sadness on a woman's face. If you want to make sure your guy gets the message, be direct.

10. Men Respond to AppreciationShowing appreciation for your guy can make a big difference in the way he acts. Take parenting. Studies show that fathers are more involved in care-giving when their wives value their involvement and see them as competent.
11. Men Think About Sex ... A LotOK, so maybe this one is no secret. The majority of men under age 60 think about sex at least once a day, compared with only a quarter of women. And that's not all. Men fantasize about sex nearly twice as often as women do, and their fantasies are much more varied. They also think more about casual sex than women do. But thinking is not the same as doing.
12. Men Find Sex Significant. It's a myth that most men think sex is just sex. For many, sex is a very important act between two committed people. And just like most women, men find sexual intimacy to be most satisfying in the context of a committed relationship. One reason is that long-term partners know how to please one another better than strangers do.
13. He Likes It When You Initiate Sex. Most guys feel as though they're the ones who always initiate sex. But they also like to be pursued and wish their partner would take the lead more often. Don't be shy about letting your guy know you're in the mood. Initiating sex some of the time may lead to a higher level of satisfaction for both of you.
14. Guys Aren't Always Up for Sex. Men, much to many women's surprise, aren't always in the mood for sex. Just like women, men are often stressed by the demands of work, family, and paying the bills. And stress is a big libido crusher. When a guy says, "not tonight," it doesn't mean he's lost interest in you. He just means he doesn't want to have sex right then.

15. Men Like Pleasing Their Partner. Your pleasure is important to your man. But he won't know what you want unless you tell him. Too many women feel uncomfortable talking about what they like and don't like. If you can tell him clearly in a way that doesn't bruise his ego, he'll listen. Because he knows he'll feel good if you feel good.
16. Guys Get Performance Anxiety. Most men get performance anxiety on occasion, especially as they age. Your guy may worry about his physique, technique, and stamina. If you can help him learn to relax and stay focused on the pleasures of the moment, sex will become less stressful.
17. Men May Stray When Needs Aren't Met . If a man doesn't feel loved and appreciated in his relationship, he may turn elsewhere for satisfaction. For one man, that may mean burying himself in work. Another may develop a fixation on sports or video games. And some men cheat. To avoid this, partners need to work together to meet each other's needs.  

18. He's Vested in You. Most men realize there's a lot to lose if a long-term relationship goes sour – not just each other's company, but the entire life you've built together. If you're willing to work to strengthen your marriage, chances are your man will be, too.


Monday, October 31, 2011

Eat According to Your Blood Type

In my recent work of  browsing the internet I haven't found document or site  telling me what is the common blood type for men, nevertheless what matters most we should know what is our   blood type [Acernt.Talk]

What your blood type says about your diet,                             your workout and you.

You feel like you’re doing everything right, health-wise. You eat salmon and quinoa, you exercise regularly, you even take the stairs. But if you're still plagued by midday lethargy, digestion issues or just can't lose weight, you might want to take something unorthodox into consideration—your blood type
According to Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, author of Eat Right 4 Your Type, whether you’re an A, B, AB or O, your blood type reveals eye-opening things about your personality and your body's needs. Here's what Dr. D'Adamo says about what foods and workouts will help you reach your blood type's fitness goals.

3 Character Traits: Focused, leader, energetic
Your Diet: Type Os (considered the original blood type) are descendants from hunter-gatherers who relied mainly on animal protein to survive their strenuous lifestyles.
Your Personality: You’re known for your leadership skills, extroversion, energy and focus. You consider yourself responsible, decisive, organized, objective, rule-conscious and practical. (Probably because you are.) But if you ever cheat on your diet, stop exercising or slip into a negative mindset (even boredom), watch out. You become angry, hyperactive or even manic.
What to Eat: Eat lean beef, lamb, turkey, chicken or fish (like bass, cod, halibut, sole and rainbow trout), kelp, seafood and (in moderation) salt, which lowers your levels of iodine, giving you optimal thyroid function.
What to Avoid: You might have difficulty digesting dairy, eggs and gluten, and should avoid wheat germ and wheat products like bread. Beans and legumes should also be avoided when possible, since they mess with your digestion and can wear you out or make you retain fluids. Cruciferous veggies like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and mustard greens should be nixed because they inhibit thyroid function.
Dinner Tonight: Lamb and asparagus stew, steamed broccoli and sweet potato, and mixed fruit like blueberries, kiwi, grapes and peaches.
Your Workout: It’s especially important for you to work out regularly to stay fit, and exercising will help regulate stomach problems and ulcers you may experience because of your O-ness. Which is fine, since your blood type thrives on physical exercise anyway. Get sweating with the treadmill, swimming, running, cycling and weight training.


3 Character Traits: Hardworking, responsible, calm
Your Diet: When hunter-gatherer Os started thinning out, our ancestors started relying on agriculture and expanding their diet to include a semi-vegetarian approach. Type As have the digestive enzymes and bacteria it takes to digest grains and plants that other blood types might have a rough time breaking down.
Your Personality: When everyone else is panicking, you keep it cool. You’re responsible, hardworking, detail oriented and extremely organized. But you also have a classic “type A” personality—stressed and conscientious, craving success and perfection. You're the most artistic of the blood types (and even a bit sensitive).
What to Eat: Fill your plate with fruits like berries, figs, plums, apples, avocados, pears and peaches. Choose veggies like broccoli, artichokes, carrots, greens and garlic. Fish and poultry should be limited since type As produce fewer meat-digesting enzymes, which is why they have such a hard time digesting red meat. To get protein, rely on plant protein from nuts (like nut butters), seeds, beans and soy. Since your body can easily break down and get optimal nutrition from grains, carbs and proteins, cereal, breads and pastas should be staples of your diet.
What to Avoid: To balance cortisol levels (you may have high levels, which can lead to OCD, disrupted sleep, muscle loss, fat gain and insulin resistance) limit sugar, caffeine and alcohol and don’t skip meals, especially breakfast. Stressful elements like extreme weather conditions, loud noise, overwork and violent TV and movies should also be avoided.
Dinner Tonight: Tofu-pesto lasagna, broccoli and frozen yogurt.
Your Workout: Since you stress easily, try something calming like yoga.


3 Character Traits: Individualistic, relaxed, unconventional
Your Diet: Type Bs emerged when type Os moved to the Himalayas as nomads, domesticating animals and living on meat and dairy. Modern Bs should rely on lean red meat (like lamb, venison and beef) and fish, and choose turkey over chicken. Because of a sugar present in milk, Bs should work dairy like yogurt, cheese and milk into their diet each day.
Your Personality: You throw yourself into projects you love, always sticking to your goal, even when it’s against the odds. Since you follow your own rules, you’re not the most cooperative of the blood types. And because you pay attention to your thoughts more than your feelings, you can sometimes come off as cold.
What to Eat: Fill up on leafy greens and vegetables, and fruits like bananas, grapes, plums and pineapple.
What to Avoid: Take it easy on grains and avoid corn, buckwheat, rye and wheat since they can alter your ability to metabolize. (Same goes for nuts and seeds, so avoid peanuts, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds.)
Dinner Tonight: Broiled fish with roasted yams and rosemary, steamed vegetables and mixed fresh fruit.
Your Workout: Maintaining the mind/body balance is essential, so go for exercises that challenges both, like tennis, martial arts, cycling, hiking or golf.


3 Character Traits: Difficult to read, trustworthy, volatile
Your Diet: Type AB is the newest blood type and is the rarest, found in less than 5% of the population. Since ABers share traits with As and Bs, they’re able to digest a wide range of foods. However, they have type B’s adaption to meats, but A’s low stomach acid, which means meat often gets stored as fat. An AB's staples should be veggies, seafood and turkey. Red meat should be eaten sparingly. ABs, like Bs, thrive on dairy and can process eggs particularly efficiently.
Your Personality: You have traits from both ends of the spectrum, making you hard to pigeonhole. You are passionate in your convictions, but you also want to be liked by others and this can create conflicts. You don't mind doing favors or helping out, as long as its on your own conditions. You may have a special interest in art and metaphysics.
What to Eat: Weak immune system? Try a vegetable-rich diet with a variety of carbohydrates. Snack on fresh fruits like cherries, grapes, watermelon and figs. (But thanks to your alkaline stomach, you might have a hard time digesting acidic foods like oranges.) Certain kinds of seafood, like mahi-mahi, red snapper, salmon, sardines and tuna, are optimal.
What to Avoid: Enjoy carbs in moderation, but bypass corn and buckwheat, which are difficult for ABs to digest. Avoid all smoked and cured meats as well as chicken, veal, beef, pork or shellfish. Steer clear of caffeine and alcohol, especially when you’re stressed.
Dinner Tonight: Tofu omelet with stir-fried vegetables and mixed fruit salad.
Your Work Out: Since you pull from both sides of the spectrum, you need to keep balance in your workout regimen, which means a combo of calming activities (like yoga or tai chi) and more intense physical exercise (like running or biking.) Visualization and carving out time alone are important, too. If you’re going to be sitting a lot (say, at work all day), break it up with some exercise. It will keep you energized for the haul.

Lauren Passell

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Physical Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

The process of achieving an erection is complex and problems may occur for a variety of reasons. These problems can be psychological, physical, or a combination of the two.
Physical causes of ED are related to a breakdown or damage to the sequence of events that lead to an erection. This sequence involves nerve impulses in the brain, spine, and penis as well as the subsequent response in the muscles, fibrous tissues, veins and arteries in and near the corpora cavernosa.
Often times the breakdown or damage in the sequence affects the arteries, muscles, and surrounding tissues of the penis, and this breakdown is most commonly the result of a disease. Diseases that commonly cause ED include:
  • Diabetes: Diabetes can cause nerve and artery damage that can make achieving an erection difficult. According the National Institutes of Health, between 20% and 75% of men with diabetes experience ED. Having diabetes more than doubles the risk of having erectile dysfunction. 
  • Kidney disease: Kidney disease can cause chemical changes to occur in your body that affect hormones, circulation, nerve function, and energy level. Often times these changes will lower a person's libido (sex drive) or sexual ability. Drugs used to treat kidney disease may also cause ED. Some estimates report that over 50% of men with kidney failure suffer from erectile dysfunction, decreased sex drive, and a significantly decreased sex life.
  • Neurological (nerve and brain) diseases: The nervous system (the body's system of nerves) plays a vital part in achieving and maintaining an erection and it is common for men with diseases such as stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and spinal cord injuries to experience ED. This is due to an interruption in the transmission of nerve impulses between the brain and the penis.
  • Vascular disease: Vascular diseases are those that affect the blood vessels. These diseases include atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), hypertension, and high cholesterol. These diseases, which account for 70% of physically-related causes of ED, all restrict blood flow to the heart, the brain and, in the case of ED, the penis.
  • Prostate cancer: Prostate cancer doesn't cause ED on its own, but treatment (radiation, hormonal manipulation, or surgery to remove the cancer) can lead to erectile problems.
The physical causes of ED are not only disease-related. There are many other potential causes, including:
  • Surgery: Surgery performed to treat diseases such as prostate cancer and bladder cancer often require the removal of nerves and tissues around the affected area which can lead to ED. Some of these surgeries result in only temporary problems (lasting 6-18 months) while others result in permanent damage to the nerves and tissue around the penis and require treatment in order for an erection to be achieved.
  • Injury: Injuries to the pelvis, bladder, spinal cord, and penis that require surgery also commonly cause ED.
  • Hormonal imbalances: Imbalances of hormones, such as thyroid hormones, prolactin, and testosterone, can affect a man's response to sexual stimulation. These imbalances can be the result of a tumor of the pituitary gland, kidney disease, liver disease, or hormonal treatment of prostate cancer.
  • Venous leak: If the veins in the penis cannot prevent blood from leaving the penis during an erection, an erection cannot be maintained. This is known as a venous leak, and can be a result of injury or disease.
  • Tobacco, alcohol or drug use: All three of these substances can damage a person's blood vessels and/or restrict blood flow to the penis, causing ED. Smoking in particular plays a large role in causing ED in people with arteriosclerosis.
  • Prescription drugs: There are more than 200 types of prescription drugs that may cause ED.
  • Prostate enlargement: Bladder neck obstruction due to prostate enlargement has recently been implicated in being associated with varying degrees of ED.
WebMD Medical Reference
Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Asking girl for a date is a charm or magic that man posses, that no man can explain how they did it. Wondering  why? Well its Magic! Lucky are those men who dated a girl. What if its your first time? sometimes men are shy on dating because they don't know where to start or what to do on a date.  
Some singles are in need of dating tips when it comes to their dating behavior and etiquette. This list of Dating Tips can serve as a helpful tool to truly reflect what it is that you are doing on dates ~ and if you aren't getting that second date, you might want to consider the possibility that you might be committing one of these Don'ts.

1).   Don't pull out the BlackBerry / Answer cell phone calls. Your date will become annoyed and feel like they are being disrespected and that you don't consider the date important. DO: Turn those gadgets off for an hour! Try to give your date your full attention. Life and business will go on if you do not respond immediately to that incoming message.
2) Don't continually talk about yourself - No one finds a Talking Head to be interesting and overly attractive. Both parties should offer information about themselves and ask questions to find out more about the other person. Also, don't interrupt them when they are speaking. DO: Be attentive and listen! Keep in mind, you already know yourself, a date is time to learn about someone else.
 3). Don't shut down if you aren't attracted to your date. An initial negative or positive response to someone's attractiveness can change over time, even within the first 15 minutes. By shutting down and not giving her a chance, you can sabotage a great relationship from ever developing. DO: Remain attentive to your date, even if you have doubts when you first sit down.   
4). Don't complain about anything and everything. You'll be perceived as a very negative, dismal individual. Another component of this is being rude to restaurant staff and other individuals when out on a date. DO: Stay positive. Focus on your attitude, if you have nothing nice to say, refrain from saying it. Also, your date is examining how you treat other people and will take it as a direct example of how you will treat her in a relationship.
5). Don't Google someone prior to a date and then discuss your findings. Eeew! Don't let technology take the pleasure out of dating. The reason why you are there is to learn about them - why bother meeting them if you are going to conduct your own investigation from your safe haven behind the computer screen? DO: Keep an air of mystery flowing on a date and if you want to find out more about the person you're with, ask them directly.

The Golden Rule - Keep it real, have fun, and don't take it all so seriously. Put these dating tips to good use, enjoy yourself, and actively enjoy the other person's company!
Reference:Men, Not Getting That Second Date, and Want It?

By Christie Nightingale

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


It was a rainy day at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon with my guy friend while having a nice conversation at Starbucks we came across with the topic "what are the things that man don't know about women?, well obviously no one dare to answer the question, so what I did was log on to Google browser then tried to find out the answer, well luckily found  this answer. But some are in western setting so I tried to open my account on facebook and try to ask some of the ladies whom I consider as friend.  (by the way they don't know that I'm going to post this on my blog).

1. It's cute when you don't quite know how to dress, so long as your not knowing doesn't involve jean shorts or a fanny pack. We can only handle so much eyestrain. —Cassie Rodenberg, 22, Charleston, South Carolina

2. We are easy to please ,we tell what we want, but the problem is that what it takes changes depending on our moods, we can't help being so emotional, in fact its the reasons you like us so much... – Gemma Nacion Marcos, Philippines

3.  When we ask you how we look, you lose points every time you answer with "fine." —Dani Ruiz, 21, Encinitas, California

4. Electronics clipped to your pants are sexy only if you're Batman, Superman, or any other kind of man who needs them to save lives, not send e-mail. — Rachel Sturtz, 28, New York

5. We can read you like a book, so if something is wrong or bothering you, don't be afraid to share it. It saves us the trouble of having to spend all day guessing.

6. We like to talk a lot, so even if you don't really care about what we're saying, fake it.--Maria Jaena Delos Santos, Philippines

7. We appreciate when you can admit you're wrong, but we also don't want you to say sorry too much. —Katie Knies, 22, North Salem, New York

8. We'll never understand why you slap each other's butts when you're playing sports. And that's okay. —Aminata Dia, 22, San Jose, California

9. We don't like guys who agree with us all the time. — Katie Knies, 22, North Salem, New York

10. We don't need special moves. Just do the regular ones right. — Katie Dinardo, 23, Brooklyn

11. We want to see you cry every once in a while-it makes you human. To find out how often is acceptable, divide the number of cries by the number of no-holds-barred, screaming orgasms you've given us. If the quotient is greater than 0.25, you're a whiny bitch. — Carrie Dienhart, 34, Kansas City, Missouri

12. That we are much stronger than they think were not - Belle Alde Sibulo, Philippines

13. When we say that nothing is wrong, we mean that you should know what is wrong without us having to tell you. — Lara Ehrlich, 28, Chicago

14. Because we love security and fidelity, we also love love handles. Your six-pack anxiety only threatens us with the possibility you might care more about your abs than you care about us. —Alexis Justman, 23, El Centro, California

15. We gauge how good a father you'll be by how you treat your family. —Alexandria Pruitt, 24, Louisville

16. We might like your particularly tight pants, as long as no body parts are visible through them. —Anna Szapiro, 21, Takoma Park, Maryland
17. Within a year of dating you, we already know your jeans size, social security number, and important passwords by heart. So try and make sure you know a few things about us, too. Like our favorite color. —Melissa VanDerLinden, 27, Springfield, Missouri

18. Sometimes we just want to be alone. It's not you. It's us. Really. —Jennifer Smith, 34, Atlanta

19. Your natural smell is (usually) the sexiest cologne. Sarah Spry, 20, New York

20. We look into your minds by reading your magazines. — Lisa Alva, 49, Los Angeles

21. Presentation counts. Wrap your gift and iron your shirt. — Merritt Watts, 25, New York

22. We think the clean-laundry smell of you in your undershirt is a thousand times more appealing than even the best cologne. —Dina Sanchez, 29, Brooklyn

23. It's cute when you don't quite know how to dress, so long as your not knowing doesn't involve jean shorts or a fanny pack. We can only handle so much eyestrain. —Cassie Rodenberg, 22, Charleston, South Carolina

 24. Be careful: singing to us can be totally cute. But only if you can actually sing. —Rose Farnsworth, 19, Nashville



Friday, September 2, 2011


Since I had my facebook account and talk to my friends over the internet for hours, I find my self that I am fun of drinking coffee and lately I've noticed that I consumed at least 3 cups at night and 1 of each morning and in the afternoon. Well, Is drinking to much coffee causes renal failure? 
The answer in NO'.  Renal failure occurs for reason such as genetic factors, trauma to the kidney, previous infection, obstruction and loss of circulatory volume from the body following trauma causing shock. So, what are you waiting for go and grab a cup of coffee.

Monday, August 29, 2011


ACERN.Talk: MEN'S HEALTH: RELIEVE FROM ACHES: Men worked hard to support their family, to show them how much we value the love entrusted by our spouse and to show how much we love our c...


Men worked hard to support their family, to show them how much we value the love entrusted by our spouse and to show how much  we love our children. Sometimes we tend not to complain about body aches specially the pain cause by the stress from work. How about try to pamper ourselves with therapeutic massage such as Shiatsu massage, Thai massage, Swedish massage etc. or simply have  a simple massage from your spouse I'm sure this is not to much to ask... try it... and be relieve from aches. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

ACERN.Talk: MEN'S HEALTH: How gentle is Gentlemen? Have you ever wonder why ...

ACERN.Talk: MEN'S HEALTH: How gentle is Gentlemen? Have you ever wonder why ...: How gentle is Gentlemen? Have you ever asked this question to yourself? Well I just did! And I was tongue tied for what I have discovered...

How gentle is Gentlemen? Have you ever wonder why men are called gentlemen?

How gentle is Gentlemen? Have you ever asked this question to yourself?  Well I just did! And I was tongue tied for what I have discovered. Nevertheless, being born and raised  by family who belong in lower class in a third world country I can say that without being in socially known and wealthy individual still man can be called "gentlemen" .Just simply being you or simply me.

Being courteous is  widely found to anyone, though sometimes there are instances that we tend forget this, but it doesn’t mean we can never be called as “Gentleman” since we are only human we are bound to commit mistakes and treat the woman unkindly. 

Here are the things what men truly are called “gentlemen”:
  1. Good hygiene is a must. Don't just use a bar of soap, but do scrub yourself. Don’t use a lot when applying deodorant or cologne. Some girls may not like the smell and if you reek of it they're not going to be pleased. Also, make sure you don't use too much hair gel (it's sticky and goes rock hard after a while).
  2. Pay attention to how you look. Wear clothes that fit your body well, eliminate flashy clothing and avoid fashion "faux pas" (i.e. baseball hats cocked slightly to the side). A simpler wardrobe will keep the emphasis on you, not your clothes, which will change your outlook. Get regular haircuts
  3. A true gentleman is polite to everyone, in action and words. Always be aware of how you can help people. Wait an extra few seconds to hold the door for the person behind you. Offer to help an old or pregnant person get their grocery bags to the car. You don't have to be paranoid or risk killing yourself (i.e if you've got a precarious grip on something heavy, don't open the door for someone) but respect is paramount. Even if someone is being stupid, be polite and respectful.
  4. Be prepared to ask questions or make statements of courtesy, like "may I help you?", or "let me get that for you", or "I'll take care of that"
  5. Don't swear. Ever. Don't speak of vulgar matter. If it's too difficult to stop cursing all-together, tone it down a lot.
  6. Don't stare at and ogle women or say anything degrading to or about them.
  7. n public, don't: fart, belch, speak too loudly, be overly demanding/offensive, or drink heavily. A gentleman is always in control of himself, body and mind.
  8. Give girls a little extra respect. Don't be obsequious, but neofeminism has kind of gotten rid of some basic politeness that they'll appreciate, such as opening car/building doors, etc. Don't put every girl on a pedestal (we're all human), but they'll really appreciate it if you do them favors, like giving up your seat on the bus even though they're not carrying anything heavy.
  9. Don't talk about yourself much. On the other hand, girls like to know a little bit about you so they can understand what you are talking about sometimes. In addition to making you a much more desirable conversationalist, it will make you seem more mysterious to not share too much, which many women find attractive. Get a basic idea of what's going on in music, sports, and politics.
  10. Learn to avoid politics and religion until you know someone better, and learn how to be neutral if someone else brings it up. A simple shrug will do wonders. A gentleman doesn't make other people uncomfortable.
  11. Pay attention to the fact that the world is more threatening for girls: they're automatically targets at night or in bad neighborhoods. Walk her to her door (or car) if at all possible. It doesn't matter how strong she actually is, if you're a girl people will go at you first, whereas by virtue of being male you're safer. If your girl has to park far away from her dorm or home, always offer to drive her to and from your destination. She will appreciate how caring you are about her safety.
  12. Remember to keep doing nice things for your girlfriend when you're around her. If she's carrying something, pick it up when she puts it down and always kindly let her know by saying "oh, let me get that for you", whatever the object is. Remember, being selfish is not attractive. If you are watching television with your girl and you know she likes a particular show or sporting event, leave it there. She will appreciate that little bit of selflessness more than you know.
  13. Show up with a card or a flower and not just for holidays. Expensive and showy doesn't matter, it's the effort. In fact, a rose, a little love note left on her pillow, or a heartfelt kiss will keep any girl happy for days.
  14. . Be open about yourself to her and share with one another, making sure you laugh and keep things upbeat. Don't be a stiff bore.
  15. There are some things you shouldn't talk to girls about. These include how hot other girls are, or anything at all of that nature. If she's not into sports or video games, you can say a few things but then move on to something she's into. Girls tend to be more interested in books and music than in sports and video games, though there are plenty of exceptions to every rule. It's fine to talk about that stuff with your guy friends, but a gentleman doesn't do that.
  16. Stand up for your girl. Don't go around punching everyone who looks at her sideways, but if anyone's giving her looks or unwanted advances, intervene. Put your arm around her shoulder and move yourselves away, or go to her and speak up for her. The physical contact reassures her and lets the aggressor know that he's got to deal with both of you.
  17. Always have a straight posture (nobody likes a slouches)
  18. Do not talk down to women ever. It's ok to tease but being cruel is not the way to go. Teasing does not mean calling them vulgar words, however. No matter how joking your tone is, it hurts a woman when a so-called "gentleman" calls them a dirty word.
  19. Avoid fighting, as it isn't the best way to solve problems, however a real gentleman never backs off when he's challenged, always standing up for himself and his values. Remember to prioritize and not sacrifice your values for someone who is clearly just picking a fight with whomever will join in. If someone is simply embarrassing himself by offending you, don't sink to his level, but walk away.
  20. If you do decide to fight, keep the straight posture, even if your rival is taller than you. Be reasonable, never use weapons, such as guns, knives and the like, as this kind of "chivalry" is from the old days and might end up seriously damaging you. And never, never fight in/against a group, for a gentleman only duel; do not try to be Chuck Norris. If your opponent is down, that means you made your point and it's time to stop fighting. Offer him a hand to get up, always expecting a bad reaction, as he might not have the same values as you have.
  21. When walking on the sidewalk or on the side of the road, gentlemen should walk on the outside (closer to the road), whereas the lady should be on the inside, protected from oncoming traffic.


  1. Be sincere.
  2. Basic hygiene and a clean appearance is important but a gentleman should not be obsessed with his looks. He is not a fop. He is a polite and unselfish man.
  3. Loving her means always giving (do not take this literally) so keep that in mind while you are with her. Always give (love, time, and words of affirmation). Just don't give so much that you resent her. It's okay to also spend some time with your guy friends.
  4. Looking good doesn't mean you can't keep wearing jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers, it just means that they should all be clean, unwrinkled, look good on you, and not be offensive. However, at the end of the day, it's the guy inside the clothes that counts. It's also good to wear a belt, it can do wonders.
  5. Always be aware of your surroundings and your actions, as how others perceive you can play a role and how you are received by others.
  6. It's not as hard as it sounds.
  7. Truth walks side by side with men, and so does falsity. Being a gentleman is not necessarily about looking like one.
  8. If a girl doesn't respect you if you are a true gentleman, she is not worth it. If you have made yourself worthwhile, the person you are with should treat you like it.
  9. Lead by example that means being considerate of others and talk about things that people can relate to like the economy etc.. This shows interest of people in their immediate surroundings.
  10. Maintain eye contact when having a conversation with her, don't be checking her or any other girl out. When she's speaking give her your attention and don't talk over her.


  1.  Don't use drugs or drink alcohol to excess. They will impair your judgment, and a true   
  2.  gentleman is in control of himself at all times.
  3. Gentlemen have dignity and honor by their sides, yet they are humble and thoughtful. You're 
  4.  not better than anyone else just because you're doing this. Don't think it, don't act like it.
  5. While being helpful is nice, don't be overbearing.
  6. A gentleman can recognize it when he loses a fight. Know the difference between standing up for yourself and being a fool.

Based from the article of :


ACERN.Talk: MEN'S HEALTH: HEALTH _TIPS: IMPORTANT HEALTH TIPS 1. Guyabano is best against cancer 2. No COLD drinks with fatty food 3. Drink MORE water in the morning less at nig...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Peñafrancia Celebration Activities 2011

Schedule of Peñafrancia Activities 2011

August 30, / Tuesday – 5:15 pm Basilica Minore
  • Mass & Procession of the Image of INA and Divino Rostro to Peñafrancia Parish with Caceres Clergy
August 31 / Wednesday – Peñafrancia Parish (all Novena activities and pilgrimages will be at Peñafrancia Parish)
  • Penitential Procession to Peñafrancia Parish, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am ( Pilgrims from Parishes of Mater Salutis (Cararayan) & Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Carolina)
  • Novena Mass (Bikol) at the Patio of the Peñafrancia Parish, 5:30 am
  • Harubay Mass, 8:30am
  • Confession, 4:00pm
  • Novena Mass, (English) 5:00 pm (Naga Parochial Scholl, System Technology institute; Philippine Computer Foundation College)
  • Healing Mass, 6:00 pm

September 1 / Thursday
  • Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00am (Pilgrims from the Parishes of the Holy Cross, Tabuco; St. Dominic of Guzman, Gainza; Our Lady of Fatima Church –Fil-Chinese Catholic community )
  • Novena  Mass (Bikol), 5:30 am
  • Confession, 4:00pm
  • Novena Mass, (English), 5:00 pm (Naga College Foundation; Aeronautical Academy of the Philippines )
  • Healing Mass, 6:00 pm
September 2 / Friday
  • Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am (Parishes of St. Jude Thaddeus & Immaculate Conception, Naga City)
  • Novena Mass (Bikol), 5:30 am
  • Confession, 4:00pm
  • Novena Mass, (English), 5:00 pm (Camarines Sur National High School; AMA Computer College)
  • Healing Mass, 6:00 pm
September 3 / Saturday
  • Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am (pilgrims from Parish of St. Joseph, Milaor)
  • Novena Mass, (English), 5:00 pm (Mariners Polytechnic Colleges; Worldtech Resources Institute)
  • Healing Mass, 6:00 pm
September 4 / Sunday
  • Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am (Seminarians; Religious Men & Women in Caceres – Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate; Missionaries of the Poor; Daughters of St. Paul; Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena; Handmaid of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; Religious of the Good Shepherd; Sisters of the Little Mission for the Deaf; Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus)
  • Novena Mass (Bikol), 5:30 am
  • Confession, 4:00 pm
  • Novena Mass, (English), 5:00 pm (University of Northeastern Phil, UNEP, Iriga City)
September 5 / Monday
  • Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am (Parishes of St. John the Evangelist & St. Lorenzo Ruiz, Abella Naga City)
  • Novena Mass (Bikol), 5:30 am
  • Confession, 4:00 pm
  • Novena Mass, (English), 5:00 pm (St. Anthony University, Naga City; Computer Communications Development Institute)
  • Healing Mass, 6:00 pm
September 6 / Tuesday
  • Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am (Parish of San Francisco, Naga City)
  • Novena Mass (Bikol), 5:30 am
  • Confession, 4:00 pm
  • Novena Mass (English), 5:00 pm (University Nueva Caceres; Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges, Naga City; Peña de Francia College)
  • Healing Mass, 6:00 pm
September 7 / Wednesday
  • Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am (Parish of Prompt Succour, Haring, Canaman)
  • Novena Mass (Bikol), 5:30 am
  • Confession, 4:00 pm
  • Novena Mass (English), 5:00 pm (Universidad de Santa Isabel; Naga City Science High School)
  • Healing Mass, 6:00 pm
September 8 / Thursday
  • Penitential Procession, Divino Rostro Pilgrimage 4:00 am (Parish of St. Anthony of Padua, Camaligan)
  • Novena Mass (Bikol), 5:30 am
  • Confession, 4:00 pm
  • Novena Mass (English), 5:00 pm (Ateneo de Naga University, Brentwood College of Asia International School)
  • Healing Mass, 6:00 pm

September 9 / Friday
  • Penitential Procession, Image of Ina from Basilica to Peñafrancia Shrine, 4:00 am
  • Penitential Procession (Parish of Our Lady of the Assumption, Canaman)
  • Pontifical Mass, Archbp. Leonardo Z. Legaspi, Peñafrancia Shrine, 5:30 am
  • Installation of New Members, OLPA; Installation of Fr. Andrew Recepcion, Spiritual Director, Divino Rostro Association.
  • Traslacion Procession, 12 nn
  • Sacrament of confession (Bikol) (Naga Cathedral 1-5pm)
  • Community Mass, Plaza Covarrubias, 2pm
  • Traslacion Procession of the Venerated Images of OUR LADY OF PEÑAFRANCIA and DIVINO ROSTRO, 3:00pm
  • Solemn Pontifical Concelebrated Mass, Naga Cathedral 5:30 pm, Archbishop Leonardo Z. Legaspi, O.P., D. D.
September 10 / Saturday Day for the Youth
  • Confession, Naga Cathedral, 3-7 pm
  • Novena Mass (English), Naga Cathedral, 5 pm
September 11 /Sunday Day for the Religious & Seminarians
  • Confession, Naga Cathedral, 3-7 pm
  • Novena Mass (English), Naga Cathedral, 5 pm
  • Marian Procession, Naga Cathedral Grounds, 9pm
September 12 /MondayDay for the Children
  • Confession, Naga Cathedral, 3-7 pm
  • Novena Mass (English), Naga Cathedral, 5 pm
September 12-16 Perdon Procession & Mass, Major Streets of Naga, 10pm
September 13 / Tuesday Day for Educators & Teachers
  • Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Diocese of Virac, Bp. Manolo de los Santos, 6am
  • Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Diocese of Libmanan, Bp. Jose R. Rojas
  • Confession, Naga Cathedral, 3-7 pm
  • Novena Mass (English), Naga Cathedral, 5 pm
September 14 / WednesdayDay for the Sick and the Elderly
  • Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Diocese of Daet, Bp. Gilbert Garcera, 6am
  • Confession, Naga Cathedral, 3-7 pm
  • Novena Mass (English), Naga Cathedral, 5 pm
  • Theatrical Showing of the Film, “ Ikalawang Pag-Ibig “ SM Naga Cinema
September 15 / Thursday Day for the Poor & Prisoners
  • Penitential Procession of INA & Divino Rostro 3:30 am
  • Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Diocese of Sorsogon, Bp. Arturo Bastes, 6am
  • Confession, Naga Cathedral, 3-7 pm
  • Novena Mass (English), Naga Cathedral, 5 pm
  • Union of Bikol Clergy Mass, Naga Cathedral, Bp. Jose Bantolo, Bishop of Masbate

September 16 / Friday Day of the Priest
  • Penitential Procession of INA & Divino Rostro 3:30 am
  • Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Diocese of Masbate, Bp. Jose Bantalo, 6am
  • Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Military Ordinariate of the Phil., 8am
  • Confession, Naga Cathedral, 3-7 pm
  • Novena Mass (English), Naga Cathedral, 5 pm
  • Vigilia de Espigas, 11pm
September 17 / Saturday Day for Government Leaders & Workers
  • Penitential Procession of INA & Divino Rostro 3:30 am
  • Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Archdiocese of Caceres, Abp. Leonardo Z. Legaspi, 6am
  • Pontifical Mass, Naga Cathedral, Diocese of Legazpi, Bp. Joel Baylon, 10 am
  • Ringing of Bells 12 nn
  • Fluvial Procession, 4pm
  • Confession, Basilica grounds, 4-6.30pm
  • Pontifical Mass, Basilica Grounds, Apostolic Nuncio, Abp. Guiseppe Pinto, 6:30 pm
  • Pontifical Mass, Naga Basilica, Bp Lucilo Quiambao, 6:30 am
  • Pontifical Mass, Naga Basilica, Archdiocese of Caceres, Abp. Leonardo Z. Legaspi, 8am
  • Pontifical Mass, Naga Basilica, Jose Cardinal Sanchez, 9:30 am
  • Pontifical Mass, Naga Basilica, Bp Jose Sorra, 11 am
  • Pontifical Mass, Naga Basilica, Bp. Manalo de los Santos, 6 pm

Men's Must read:

Men's Health news headlines provided courtesy of Medical News Today.

My contribution in Spanish Poetry